Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic, who is on an official visit to North Macedonia, met in Kumanovo with ...
Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said today that two days ago, a man whose Croatian driver's license ...
Prime Minister Milos Vucevic stressed that he supports every decision and everything that is part of making life easier and improving living conditions for.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin has met with the head of Rosseti Group Andrei Ryumin.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic visited Germany and posted on his Instagram account that he took a walk in Hamburg during a break between meetings.
Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said today in Skopje that the governments of Serbia and North Macedonia signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly build a 70-kilometer gas pipeline with a 14 billion ...
The 39-year-old woman, A.K., most likely drowned yesterday in a private hotel's pool in Zemun, Belgrade, has learned. According to information available to us, she was a guest and was ...
Nekadašnji brazilski teniser Gustavo Kuerten, svojevremeno prvi na ATP listi, izostavio je Novaka Đokovića sa liste najboljih ...
U selu Junkovac kod Topole došlo je do teške saobraćajne nezgode u kojoj su učestvovali putničko vozilo i traktor.
Zahvaljujući Vangelisu Pavlidisu, dvostrukom strelcu u četvrtak veče, fudbalske reprezentacija Grčke napravila je veliko ...
Prvobitna vest je i za njega bila šok, jer je tvrdio da ništa nije znao, ali se Toni Nadal u međuvremenu "pribrao" i u ...
Američka obalska straža spasila je muškarca koji se držao za frižider plutajući otprilike 50 kilometara od obale nakon što je ...