“We have lofty goals when it comes to excellence and equity in our education system – and in a time when many might consider ...
The 'introduction' workshop is ideal for schools new to the tool. You will learn how to administer the survey and can ask questions about the use of the survey, the reporting, and become more ...
Recognising that assessment literacy is a complex construct comprised of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the authors sought to better understand how teacher candidates develop assessment literacy ...
The STAR reading tests are standardised assessment tools, designed to supplement the assessments that teachers make about their students' progress and achievement in reading. Each test assesses a ...
In recent years an increasing number of teachers have found the "Cioze Procedure" an asset in their reading programmes. Some use it for assessing the level of their students' reading comprehension; ...
Distinct qualities and models of leadership, cultural taxation, and the need for mentoring are among the key findings of a landmark new study on wāhine Māori in educational leadership. Me aro ki te hā ...
The national COVID-19 lockdown during school Term 1 and continuing in Term 2 2020, provided a unique context to investigate children’s experiences of informal, everyday learning in their household ...
This book is the result of a collaboration between academics at the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau and teachers in schools. It is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to teach about ...
This book helps non-Pacific educators inform their work with Pacific learners and their families. There are differences in understandings of the values important to many Pacific people between Pacific ...
This New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) research project explored the ways five diverse secondary schools shaped their timetables to support innovation in teaching and learning. The ...
There is much to celebrate in mathematics and statistics education in Aotearoa New Zealand. The chapters in this book showcase some of our most exciting practice and research, and they are excellent ...
This widely used test has been revised and standardised for use in New Zealand. It is an individually administered test, which provides a measure of an aspect of a child's word reading skills, ie word ...