Chief Executive John Lee and Minister of Industry & Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong witness the signing of a ...
The Centre for Health Protection announces that the 2024-25 Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programmes will begin on September ...
Secretary for Education Choi Yuk-lin attends the European Association for International Education Conference & Exhibition in ...
The International Institute for Management Development publishes its World Talent Ranking 2024, with Hong Kong returning to ...
The Magistrates' Court today sentenced a defendant to 14 months' imprisonment for "doing with a seditious intention an act or ...
The Civil Service Bureau will organise recruitment talks in Shanghai and Beijing from September 20 to 24 to introduce the ...
The overall Comprehensive Social Security Assistance caseload rose slightly by 62 cases to 197,771 in August, more or less ...
The 15th National Games, the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities, and the 9th National Special Olympic Games ...
The Transport Department will hold a bus parade and exhibition from October 19 to 22, featuring buses from the past and present to tell the story of Hong Kong’s bus services..
衞生署衞生防護中心宣布,2024至25年度 季節性流感疫苗接種計劃 本月26日展開,包括季節性流感疫苗學校外展計劃和院舍防疫注射計劃。