This painting depicts a young Saint John the Baptist living as a hermit in the wilderness. His cross of reeds, pointing gesture, and the nearby lamb refer to his role as a prophet foretelling the ...
Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman Het veer van de Uytersche Schiet-Schuyten, from Views of Amsterdam, c. 1660 Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman De Appelmarckt, from Views of Amsterdam, c. 1660 ...
Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) written by Ovid (Italian, 43 B.C.-17 A.D.) printed by Louis Fort (French, 19th-20th centuries) published by Albert Skira (Swiss, 1904-1973) ...
Barnard and Gibson Ruins of Stone Bridge, Bull Run, March 1862 Barnard and Gibson Mathew’s House, Battle-field of Bull Run, March 1862 ...
Story of Niobe: Woman Turning Left, n.d.
Pietro della Vecchia Allegorical Scene with Father Time, n.d. Pietro della Vecchia Temptation of Saint Anthony, n.d. Pietro della Vecchia Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus in his Carpentry Shop, n.d.
Admission is free for Illinois residents on Thursday evenings, 5:00–8:00, June 6–September 26. You can reserve your free tickets online in advance; your resident status will be verified using the zip ...
CHICAGO—The Art Institute of Chicago is pleased to announce Paula Modersohn-Becker: I Am Me, on view from October 12, 2024 through January 12, 2025. This exhibition marks Modersohn-Becker’s first ...
Nicolas Brouwer Abraham Drawing the Children of Israel to His Breast, and Christ with Kneeling Monks, from an Antiphonary, 1330/40 The Murder of Thomas Becket, page two, from a Book of Hours, 1430/40 ...
Teen Audio Guide Opportunities for Teens My Chicagos: A Virtual Gallery Work at the museum for a semester, summer, or school year. Make art, get hands-on museum experience, and design events and ...
This painting is a small replica of an altarpiece for the private family chapel of San José in Toledo, Spain. The production of smaller versions of commissioned altarpieces allowed El Greco to ...
The fourth and final large narrative canvas from Giovanni Battista Tiepolo’s decorative suite stresses the moral of the story and takes place as Rinaldo rejoins the crusader army. The boat bringing ...