The Ambassador of Italy to the United States, Mariangela Zappia, presented in Washington the honour of Cavaliere dell'Ordine ...
The Italian Ambassador to Zagreb, Paolo Trichilo, was received by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, ...
Italy firmly condemns the Hamas attacks on Israel last October 7, President Sergio Mattarella said Sunday while saying that ...
The Day of Italian Sport in the World was also celebrated in Zagreb with a crowded 6.3 km non-competitive run around Lake ...
An evening dedicated to sport, the protagonists were the bonds of friendship and fellowship between Italy and Japan at the ...
The Italian Ambassador to Brazzaville, Enrico Nunziata, inaugurated a new edition of the '100 vases' exhibition organised, in ...
The synod of Roman Catholic bishops said a mea culpa for clerical child sex abuse Tuesday saying "we feel ashamed". A request for forgiveness pronounced on behalf of the Church by Cardinal Sean ...
Structural Budget Plan "leaves nobody behind" and focuses on the "sustainability of the pension system and the quality of healthcare", Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti wrote in the introduction of ...
Una persona è morta e altre 11 sono rimaste ferite nei bombardamenti ucraini di ieri sulla regione russa di Belgorod, afferma ...
Le banche cinesi taglieranno i tassi sui mutui esistenti a partire dal 25 ottobre, in linea con le richieste della Banca ...
Gli esperti stimano che l'uragano Milton abbia causato danni per la cifra sbalorditiva di 50 miliardi di dollari. Lo ha detto ...
Il gruppo militante libanese Hezbollah ha avvertito gli israeliani di stare lontani dai siti dell'esercito israeliano nelle ...