Sakamoto Days, which follows a retired hitman who is forced back into action, is already off to a promising start. Read our ...
Sakamoto Days episode 2 is released on January 18 at 6:00 AM Pacific/9:00 AM Eastern on Netflix. That's 2:00 PM GMT in the UK ...
Those unfamiliar with Sakamoto Days may be unsure what to expect from the show. It's a very unique anime, after all.
Sakamoto Days is hitting right where it hurts in its second episode by showing fans the reason why the main character left ...
In Sakamoto Days, Taro Sakamoto is known as a legendary hitman and, despite retiring from this profession, is still ...
After leaving the profession to protect his family, Sakamoto's return to an action-filled life can be hard to explain in ...
The latest addition is Sakamoto Days, a new anime from TMS Entertainment based on a more recent and quite popular manga ...
Sakamoto Days has dropped on Netflix and viewers are discovering how wildly entertaining its anime adaptation is compared to ...
Sakamoto Days Episode 2 combines Chapters 2, 4, and 5 from the manga, meaning it skips the events of Chapter 3.
Sakamoto Days stands out for its unique approach in the world of action-packed shonen series. Unlike Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen, which boast extraordinary powers and intricate battle techniques, ...
Don't miss the latest on Netflix, Apple TV Plus and more. Here's what's coming the week of Jan. 20 to Jan. 26.
Sakamato Days will return to Netflix this weekend, but there’s a sneaky way you can watch Episode 2 and 3 early.