Comparing Microscopy Techniques: This image contrasts conventional fluorescent microscopy with STORM processing, highlighting how STORM achieves superior resolution by activating and precisely ...
stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), developed by HHMI investigator Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard University; stimulated emission depletion (STED) by Stefan Hell at Max Planck; and ...
In fluorescence microscopy, this ON/OFF separation principle could be implemented to perfection, since molecular fluorescence can be easily switched on and off. In fact, STED and PALM/STORM ...
STED and PALM/STORM microscopy, as well as all other super-resolution fluorescence microscopes, provide resolutions of a fraction of the wavelength of light (nanometers). However, to image ...
STED microscopy relies on the selective deactivation of fluorophores ... SMLM techniques, such as PALM and STORM, rely on the precise localization of individual fluorophores over multiple imaging ...