Architect Price Harrison has designed a stucco-clad home for himself in Tennessee called Green Hills Residence, which ...
In 1971, music icons Bob Dylan and George Harrison joined forces to raise funds for refugees, performing at Madison Square ...
The theft of George Harrison's Gibson Les Paul, Lucy, led to an international, televised chase and the divisive sale of a "ransom guitar." ...
Devil’s Radio” turned out to be one of the high-energy highlights of Cloud Nine, the 1987 album that rocketed George Harrison back to the top of the rock and roll world. His sharp wit is ever-present ...
When George Harrison, the legendary guitarist of The Beatles, wasn’t making music that changed the world, he enjoyed cruising ...
Rare Beatles vinyl gifted by George Harrison sells for £10,000 at auction - The self-titled record, commonly known as the ...
McCartney's botched showpiece was the reason he pushed Lennon to bring George Harrison into the Quarrymen. The rest is ...
The Beatles' John Lennon once credited this 1960s pop song as having the "greatest f***ing guitar lick ever written." ...
Exclusive: Watch the track's co-producer demonstrate the machine learning technology behind the Fab Four's final single ...
George Harrison‘s unfinished breakfast toast from 1963 was sold in a private sale to Joseph O’Donnell, who added the framed crust to a healthy collection of Beatles and other music-related ...
According to the Daily Express, she preserved the bread on a scrapbook page alongside the caption: “Piece of George’s breakfast ... had taken the remains from Harrison’s plate after ...
A piece of toast allegedly eaten, then discarded by George Harrison in the early 1960s has reportedly been acquired by a memorabilia dealer, The Daily Express reports. Joseph O’Donnell, whose website ...