In recent years an increasing number of teachers have found the "Cioze Procedure" an asset in their reading programmes. Some use it for assessing the level of their students' reading comprehension; ...
“We have lofty goals when it comes to excellence and equity in our education system – and in a time when many might consider ...
This book is the result of a collaboration between academics at the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau and teachers in schools. It is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to teach about ...
Poipoia ngā tamariki: How whānau and teachers support tamariki Māori to be successful in learning and education is the third COMPASS report from the collaboration between NZCER and Professor Melinda ...
The 'introduction' workshop is ideal for schools new to the tool. You will learn how to administer the survey and can ask questions about the use of the survey, the reporting, and become more ...
This book helps non-Pacific educators inform their work with Pacific learners and their families. There are differences in understandings of the values important to many Pacific people between Pacific ...
Generations of New Zealanders have memories of themselves or their children at kindergarten, and new memories are being made every day. The first kindergartens appeared here in colonial times—a ...
New Zealand teachers use a variety of tests to determine what level students are at, what progress they are making, and where they may need extra help. Progressive Achievement Tests, commonly known as ...
The STAR reading tests are standardised assessment tools, designed to supplement the assessments that teachers make about their students' progress and achievement in reading. Each test assesses a ...
Teaching to the North-East responds to the marginalisation of particular groups of students with a way of teaching intended to increase equity in the education system. One way this marginalisation ...
Distinct qualities and models of leadership, cultural taxation, and the need for mentoring are among the key findings of a landmark new study on wāhine Māori in educational leadership. Me aro ki te hā ...