Au cours des dernières semaines, une série d’articles parus dans les médias australiens a présenté l’Ontario comme un modèle de politique climatique et énergétique. La nouvelle a fait son chemin ...
Profitant d’un gouvernement minoritaire de plus en plus précaire, le Bloc québécois a sorti ses muscles politiques comme il ne l’avait pas fait depuis longtemps. Une de ses conditions pour soutenir ...
Ahmed El‑Geneidy Ahmed El‑Geneidy is a professor in the school of urban planning at McGill University. He leads TRAM, a multidisciplinary team generating research in several transportation areas. X: ...
Thiago Carvalho is a PhD student in the school of urban planning at McGill University. His research focuses on the interactions between transport policy, transport satisfaction and travel behaviour. X ...
Nico Trocmé Nico Trocmé, the Philip Fisher Chair in Social Work at McGill University, conducts research on Canadian child welfare services and policies.
Nico Trocmé est titulaire de la Chaire Philip Fisher en travail social à l’Université McGill. Il mène des recherches sur les services et les politiques de protection de l’enfance au Canada.
David Boroto is an infrastructure advisory consultant at Mott MacDonald Canada and board chair of Engineers Without Borders Canada. He holds a BSc in infrastructure engineering from the University of ...
Is Ottawa negotiating the conditions for the transfer of child welfare to Indigenous communities to succeed, or programming their failure in advance with half-baked measures? The federal Act ...
Canada’s talent for making important scientific discoveries that improve people’s health was recently honoured again – by the Gairdner Foundation International Awards. These awards recognized a number ...
Que devrait faire un gouvernement avec les surplus de congés parentaux? La récente baisse des naissances au Québec à son plus bas niveau depuis 20 ans a fait gonfler les excès de liquidités du Fonds d ...
What should a government do with parental leave surpluses? The recent drop in births in Quebec to their lowest level in 20 years has swelled the excess money in the province’s parental insurance fund ...
Jenina Ibañez Jenina Ibañez is a research associate at the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions.She graduated from UBC’s master of public policy and global affairs program.