Reported rental rates include both family and unrelated party land rental contracts as well as long-term rental contracts. Rental rates between family members can be lower than those between unrelated ...
Educators and researchers from the University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin, and University of California will discuss the profitability, labor efficiency, and cattle health impacts of ...
Egg substitutes do not work well in recipes with more than three eggs. Even when baking without eggs, the food still needs to be cooked thoroughly, especially if it contains flour. Bake all products ...
Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is an invasive species. They feed on approximately 200 different plant species, including many fruits, vegetables and row crops. They spend the winter in buildings, ...
Factors to consider and how to establish goals. Step one is to focus only on completing your prioritized list of goals for your business in addition to your goals for your family, yourself and your ...
The world around us magnified is wild! We will build paper microscopes (Foldscopes), learn to use them to explore, and learn to make our own slides to look at fur, pollen, spores, insects, and other ...
Join us for a 9-week course to learn the fundamentals of high-tunnel vegetable production. By the end of the course, you should have an actionable high-tunnel plan that you can use to guide you ...
Youth interested in participating in the llama project this spring/summer should plan on attending the kick off meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 25th starting at 7:00 pm at Hooley Hall on the fairgrounds. 4-H ...
Join us for a one-hour virtual session on Feb. 24 to learn how to stay safe while ice fishing and explore the history of this winter tradition! You’ll discover how to find the best fishing spots, ...
Adding compost to light, sandy soil helps it hold moisture and nutrients. Adding it to heavy soil improves drainage. Contain your compost in some type of structure 3 to 5 feet wide. Put your compost ...
All individuals and families engaged in agriculture are invited to the Day at the Capitol event where you can contribute insights from your everyday experiences in agriculture. Whether you're tending ...
Norovirus is extremely contagious causing vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is spread through person-to-person contact or by touching infected surfaces. Cleaning and decontaminating surfaces is ...