The energetic streams are together 23 million light-years in length—roughly as long as 140 Milky Way galaxies lined end to end ...
The James Webb Space Telescope has photographed the collision between a spiral and an elliptical galaxy, providing detailed ...
Several hundred million years ago, a smallish elliptical galaxy passed through a larger spiral one. The result of that ...
Check these five spectacular NASA images from space posted on their Instagram handle, which keeps us updated with all the ...
The pair of galaxies may eventually lose their Mona Lisa smile, but NASA says it will eventually transform into something ...
Cosmological data suggest unexpected masses for neutrinos, including the possibility of zero or negative mass.
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
New infrared image highlights star formation triggered by merger-in-progress. Arp 107, a pair of interacting galaxies, shines ...
Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have found a galaxy cluster has two streams of superheated gas.
Astronomers found the biggest pair of black hole jets ever observed, stretching 23 million light years. and named this system ...
Gravitational lenses bend and focus light from the more distant cosmos, offering astronomers a cheat code for chronicling the ...
Astronomers have identified the largest black hole jet structure known, named Porphyrion, stretching 23 million light-years across, akin to 140 Milky Way galaxies aligned. This discovery, emerging ...