Black hole jets equivalent to 140 Milky Way galaxies discovered coming from far-away galaxyCalTech With only 117 in MLB ...
New infrared image highlights star formation triggered by merger-in-progress. Arp 107, a pair of interacting galaxies, shines ...
Several hundred million years ago, a smallish elliptical galaxy passed through a larger spiral one. The result of that ...
Astronomers have discovered twin black hole jets that span a distance greater than 140 Milky Way galaxies long, the biggest jets found yet.
A star cluster in the universe might be hiding a swarm of over 100 stellar-mass black holes. The cluster is called Palomar 5 ...
Gravitational lenses bend and focus light from the more distant cosmos, offering astronomers a cheat code for chronicling the ...
Astronomers found the biggest pair of black hole jets ever observed, stretching 23 million light years. and named this system ...
NASA announced on September 18 their James Webb Space Telescope had captured another collision between two galaxies. The ...
A stronomers have found an incredible gravitational lens. Thanks to a chance alignment, a foreground cluster of galaxies has ...
Astronomers have detected two massive jets of energy from a supermassive black hole, extending over 23 million light-years.
Nicknamed Porphyrion after a giant in Greek mythology, the jet megastructure dates to a time when the universe was 6.3 ...
Astronomers have detected a supermassive black hole starving its galaxy of gas, halting star formation in the early universe.