Film industry advocates are once again defending a film tax credit after Governor Ned Lamont proposed cutting it down from 30 ...
A bill that would allow parents to relinquish their infants in temperature-controlled chambers at hospitals could unleash a ...
Parents, child care advocates and lawmakers rallied Thursday for a new bill that would help families pay for child care. The ...
Some Connecticut lawmakers, along with advocates from the United Way of Connecticut, want to establish a $600 child tax ...
Advocates, parents, providers, and lawmakers gathered Thursday at the Legislative Building to urge lawmakers to increase ...
Democratic leaders joined with the United Way and families to launch a renewed push to establish a refundable child tax ...
A refundable Child Tax Credit would give CT families the breathing room to meet their most basic needs and plan for a more ...
Connecticut lawmakers pushed for a refundable child tax credit. A group held a news conference on Wednesday morning in ...
While President Donald J. Trump is talking in Washington about cutting taxes for millionaires, some Democrats are calling for ...
Parents could claim up to three children. But Gov. Ned Lamont and Republicans have their own ideas for tax relief.
HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) - Connecticut lawmakers pushed for a refundable child tax credit. A group held a news conference on ...