The Hulk just became Galactus' newest herald, and he beautifully subverts the role's expectations, becoming the gentlest ...
A new Marvel Comics preview teases one of its most popular and charismatic mutants as the new herald of cosmic devourer ...
In a new Marvel Comics one-shot issue, Galactus transformers Gambit into one of his heralds – and creates his own worst enemy ...
The Hulk is ready to take down Galactus, and he might be assembling his own team of heroes in order to defeat the World-Eater ...
In a CBR exclusive preview of next week's What if Galactus Transformed Moon Knight, see what led to Moon Knight becoming ...
Men's charming thief Gambit has just risen up as the Marvel Universe’s most powerful X-Men and strongest mutant as the new ...
Galactus is widely known as the World-Eater due to his consumption of planets. However, there's one planet in the Marvel ...
In a CBR exclusive preview of next week's What If...? Galactus Transformed Rogue, learn how the famous mutant gained her new ...
Marvel has officially confirmed who would win in a fight between Galactus and Moon Knight's patron god Khonshu & we have the ...
Moon Knight becomes Galactus's newest herald in What If Galactus Transformed Moon Knight #1! Can he control his new cosmic ...
Marvel's strongest Avenger has a brand new mission, and it is so serious that even Iron Man is willing to admit where he went ...