1. Do not focus on your fearful thinking: The first thing a person must do is not to dwell on the fear provoking thought when it comes. The more a person tries to reason out on the fear behind the ...
There are times we encounter negative thoughts that can be overwhelming. For some, the more they try to get rid of their thoughts, the stronger they become. As a result, here is a brief list of ...
We’ve all been there. We grab an extra slice of pizza even though we’re full or reach for a snack when bored, tired, stressed ...
According to a relationship therapist, becoming aware of the underlying reasons for your obsession with someone is the first ...
If you’re stuck in a cycle of anxious thinking, some timeless Japanese techniques might help. These methods focus on simplicity, mindfulness, and embracing life’s imperfections. They offer a ...
Perfectionism is on the rise, research shows. Find out why it may be bad for your health and how to learn to be good enough ...
What if we tell you there are proven techniques to stop overthinking and lead a more peaceful life? Let’s dive into that in ...
These five ChatGPT prompts will help you escape the overthinking trap and start taking decisive action. Reframe your inner ...
Lowers body temperature: While humans cool off by sweating or turning on the A/C, cats can cool down by licking. In a 2018 ...
The opening chapter of Monsters details Robertson’s experience at Wordfest in Calgary in 2019, where he suffered a severe ...