Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, married in 1991 despite religious differences. One of the power couples across the globe, they ...
This is a wonderful turning point to take a deeper look into where you may be currently pushing forward instead of allowing and surrendering to the nature of how things currently are. Forcing ...
It’s important that you’re aware of how you’re keeping a work/life balance to support you to have space to think creatively. Your more ambitious nature is activated during this time, and you ...
Take action on limitations and barriers that may be currently hindering your ability to take the next steps in your ambitions. You may realize that there may be systems and structures in place ...
This is an incredible cosmic period for you to be clearer in the way that you see the world, so that you can uproot limiting beliefs that are not based on reality but on unconscious fears.
Don’t just let change happen to you, dear Aquarius, but choose to initiate it. Rather than viewing life and matters of the heart as simply out of your control, try to see how much influence you ...
This is an incredible opportunity to focus on your bigger goals as you have the energy to bring projects to completion. However, be mindful to take some time out for yourself so that you can ...
Honor what is most important to you, Capricorn, but make sure you are also in touch with the deepest part of yourself. Instead of just carrying along as usual, pause and ensure that you aren’t ...
As much as you are a lover of love, sweet Gemini, certain aspects of relationships can often feel overwhelming or confusing. But much of this occurs when you internally know that the person you ...
This is a good time to observe the phases and cycles in our lives that have served their purpose in order for a rebirth to take place. However, it’s important to understand where familiarity and ...
An issue could arise today with finances, dear Taurus. Although you know that love is made up of more than just the finer things in life, you do need to make sure you don’t let this issue become ...
You need to spend time honoring your dreams, sweet Cancer. This isn’t just about your romantic relationship but your entire life. If you don’t value your dreams and even what you deserve in a ...