President Trump issued a new Executive Order, entitled “Ending Taxpayer Subsidization of Open Borders,” declaring ...
The president noted that the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA ... of illegal immigration, or abet so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies that seek ...
President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order cutting off taxpayer-funded federal benefits to illegal aliens.
The order further directs agencies to ensure that funds are not used to encourage illegal immigration, such as ending any funding that is used to support sanctuary policies at the state or local ...
facilitate the subsidization or promotion of illegal immigration, or abet so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies that seek to shield illegal aliens from deportation.” Further, the executive order as ...
facilitate the subsidization or promotion of illegal immigration, or abet so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies that seek to shield illegal aliens from deportation;” and “enhance eligibility ...
Title IV of the law states that it’s national policy ... and the PRWORA. They are also directed to ensure that federal payments to states and localities “do not, by design or effect, facilitate the ...