On Thursday, the department held a memorial service for nine victims who died in a bus crash on the N2 highway on Sunday.
The research focused on five key church engagement trends including: Church Relevance: An exploration of Christian and ...
The U.K. Christian right is increasingly drawing on a U.S.-forged playbook. It is also drawing on U.S. money. But the U.K.
It shouldn’t be this difficult to convince conservative Christians to love their neighbor, Rick Pidcock declares.
Former Bishop of Thessaloniki Anthimos who reached national prominence due to his outspoken views on national issues died on ...
Minister, chaplain, and author Dr. Billy Holland writes about aligning our lives with our words and allowing God to work in us.
Three Altoona-Johnstown Roman Catholic Diocese priests will headline the latest series of presentations of the Eucharistic Revival in the Catholic Church in America from 9 to 11:30 a.m. March 29 ...
One woman, whom we call Aunt Maxine, took the lead. Under her guidance, our church garden yielded 1,200 pounds of produce, from broccoli and corn to collard and mustard greens. Later, we added apple ...
Director of Music and organist Adam Brakel will perform Bach’s Cantata 106 during the 10:30 a.m. service, and six works for a ...
Elvis, who was strongly influenced by and nurtured on Black music, was a part of the revolution that stood up against Jim ...
For Lent, a Charismatic priest is leading the Rosary at 4 AM in the morning, and over 1.2 million people are watching it ...
Many Christians still misunderstand who God is, or worse, misrepresent the nature and mission of God, Rob Sellers says.