Sumar, the PSOE’s junior coalition partner, known for offering mild criticisms of government decisions for not being “left” ...
For some, Sánchez has already gone too far in seeking to appease the Americans. The far-left Podemos party accused him of ...
Twentieth-century Spain could boast of world-leading artists from Salvador Dalí to Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. Yet ...
Unlike some of its European allies Spain has yet to commit to sending troops to Ukraine for a potential EU peacekeeping ...
The deal struck by Catalonia's pro-independence party and Spain's government would transfer control of migration to the ...
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MADRID - The Socialist party (PSOE/S&D) of Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez and the right-wing separatist JxCat party, led by former ...
A deal between Spain's government and Catalan separatists will likely see new immigration powers granted to the northern ...
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said earlier that the government will seek to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP ...
David Leonhardt has written a detailed article for the New York Times arguing that the Danish Social Democrats and their ...
In just 24 hours, 28 profiles on social networks and Telegram channels that have over 2 million followers got 800.000 ...