Nearly two decades after Faran Tahir terrorized Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in 2008’s Iron Man as Raza, leader of the ...
In a new Marvel Comics one-shot issue, Galactus transformers Gambit into one of his heralds – and creates his own worst enemy ...
Marvel has officially confirmed who would win in a fight between Galactus and Moon Knight's patron god Khonshu & we have the ...
Marvel Snap’s next update will make it much easier for players to get Series 4 and 5 cards like She-Hulk and Black Panther. It’s a pretty big month for Marvel Snap players. Earlier today, developer ...
They’ll use their incredible powers to help humankind ... were going to stop with Vol. 4, did you?Marvel presents a fifth oversized Omnibus of the series that started itall!