MADISON, Wis. -- Madison is becoming a winter wonderland once again, as a snow storm moves across the area. When the snow stops falling, it's important to do your part to keep sidewalks and driveways ...
Rubi Patricia Vergara and Erin Michelle West were killed in a Monday morning shooting at the school in Madison, Wisconsin, ...
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) today announced new winter road condition categories to better reflect ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) ― Construction on Harden Street in the heart of Five Points now is expected to be completed by Summer ...
The new University of Wisconsin-Madison engineering building is again in peril. Republican lawmakers rejected the UW System's ...
A general plowing of all Madison streets happens when 3 or more inches falls. Here is an expandable map of live traffic conditions: The state road conditions map shows crashes and blockages on ...
The pedestrian was in the road around 7:10 a.m. Sunday when he was hit by a driver heading north on Five Mile Road, police ...
A police situation shut down the area of I-17 and Thunderbird Road before noon on Wednesday.