Check out all the info and new Anniversary Feats on the official post.
“I used to collect comics and I don’t do so much anymore, but [Lobo] was always my favorite. And I’ve always wanted to play Lobo,” Momoa said in 2023 after casting doubt on his future as ...
The enigmatic idea of dark energy has consistently been referenced to explain the universe’s expansion, but new research may upend years of cosmological beliefs with a shocking claim made by ...
On this day three years ago, we witnessed the nail-biting launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the largest and most powerful telescope humans have ever sent into space. It took 30 years to ...
The universe is a strange place on very small scales. What makes up the matter we perceive in the universe? To start, there are the usual suspects, like electrons, protons, quarks and neutrinos ...
It was a big year for space. The past year was a big one for space. Skywatchers across the United States witnessed a total solar eclipse, SpaceX caught a giant rocket out of mid-air with a pair of ...
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Superman is one of the most recognized fictional characters in the world. And as an embodiment of truth, justice, and hope, the Man of Tomorrow is also the most inspirational superhero to have ...