Wisconsin's Office of School Safety provided the school grant money in 2018. What did it go towards, and what did ALCS have ...
The 12 days of Christmas tell of martyrdom, pain, and sacrifice as much as life, joy, and salvation. This is no accident.
At Abundant Life Christian School, a deadly shooting is a hard and unforgettable precursor to the long-awaited Christmas break.
MADISON - As hundreds gathered outside the Wisconsin state Capitol Tuesday night to mourn a deadly shooting at Abundant Life ...
Two people were killed and another six injured in the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, police said.
Rubi Vergara named as 14-year-old student killed at Abundant Life - An obituary released on Wednesday named the teen as one ...
A teenage student at Abundant Life Christian School shot and killed a fellow student and teacher, and injured others on ...
Wisconsin police did not plan any public updates Wednesday into the extremely rare religious school shooting that killed a ...
Authorities identified a 15-year-old female student as the suspected gunman in a mass shooting at a Wisconsin private school ...
This is the second school shooting at a Christian school this month. A gunman shot and wounded two kindergartners at a ...
A woman came to Faith Refuge this year for help starting over. She had a job interview, but the buses did not run when her ...
The teenage school shooter who killed a student, a teacher, and then herself in Wisconsin wore combat boots and “pounded energy drinks”, new details reveal.