However, Bastian van der Veen, a farmer in the Netherlands, decided that solar power was the way to go for his E-Horse ...
The United States' Air Force is pushing back on an order from the EPA intended to ensure Tucson, Arizona, residents have ...
One doctor shared a simple hack on Instagram to help cheese stay fresh longer without using single-use plastic bags.
High electric bills can make or break a tenant's decision to move. Redditors discuss how to lower your electricity bill.
A team of researchers at the University of British Columbia created a portable tool that needs a sample barely the size of a ...
One shopper found an incredible deal on a set of golf clubs at a thrift store and shared their score with the Reddit ...
The U.N. Development Program has just purchased a Crane WASP — a huge 3D printing system used to make affordable and ...
Giant hogweed, a towering plant that can grow up to 20 feet tall, is spreading rapidly across the United States.
"There is a dispute of ownership and who would be financially responsible for creek repair," the OP said. Over 20 years ago, ...
A British biotech company called Legume Technology just received a $2.83 million grant to help African farmers.
City officials in Baltimore recently voted to spend up to $5 million to purchase Tesla vehicles for use by city employees.
One gardener was looking to attract more wildlife to their small-space garden — but their choice of plants wasn't quite right ...