Lionel Duke of Clarence, Earl of Ulster and Baron of Connaught, was born on 29 November 1338 at Antwerp in Flanders, the second surviving son of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainaut, daughter of ...
Mary Beatrice's father, the Duke of Modena died when she was just four, after which her younger brother Francesco succeeded to the dukedom, with her mother Laura Martinozzi acting as regent until he ...
Canute or Cnut the Great was born circa 985- 995, the son of King Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark, the identity of his mother is uncertain, although it is likely that she was a Slavic princess, daughter of ...
The battle of Tinchebrai was fought on the 28th September 1106 near the town of Tinchebrai on the border of the county of Mortain, in the southwest of Normandy, between the armies of King Henry I of ...
Humphrey was married his cousin to Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut and Holland, daughter of William VI, Count of Hainaut. The couple married at Hadleigh in Essex, sometime before 7 March 1423.
Alexander III of Scotland made agressive attempts to recover the Hebridean Islands, known as Innse Gall, and Argyll from the grip of the Norwegians, launching raids against them including a raid on ...
Joan Beaufort was the daughter of John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset, and Margaret Holland, daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent, who was the son of Joan "the Fair Maid of Kent" (the mother ...
The charismatic Edward III, one of the most dominant personalities of his age, was the son of Edward II and Isabella of France. He was born at Windsor Castle on 13th of November, 1312 and created Earl ...
Isabella of France was born in Paris, the daughter of Philip IV of France and Joan I of Navarre, the daughter of Henry I, King of Navarre. No record survives of her birth, but calculations based on ...
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle began to be compiled in around 890 A.D., at the command of King Alfred the Great (871- 899) and consists of a series of annals written in the Old English language. Alfred ...
Strathclyde or Ystrad Clud (beautiful Estuary) was a kingdom of the Britons, or brythonic celts in the Hen Ogledd, in what is now Northern England and southern Scotland, through the post-Roman and ...
England's first Yorkist King, Edward IV, was the eldest surviving son of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York and Cecily Neville and was born on 22nd April, 1442 at Rouen, whilst the Duke was stationed ...