The aim is to enable joint funding of research projects in the following areas: Cultures, Inmaterial Heritage, Interdisciplinary Networks; Agri-food and Sustainable Development; Technology and ...
With this in mind, and with the desire to find solutions to mitigate climate change, a group of Brazilian researchers began searching for plants with the potential to be used to generate bioenergy and ...
Representatives of four companies that have received PIPE-FAPESP funding had the opportunity to present their businesses during a panel discussion on technology and innovation (photo: Karina ...
“It’s a great pleasure to welcome you to our university for a new edition of FAPESP Week. UNIBO has built a solid relationship with Brazil that began more than 30 years ago with the creation of the ...
The study sample comprised 731 men and women over 60, both with and without high blood pressure. It was designed to investigate the effects of hypertension on lung mechanics, detecting where and how ...
Born in Romania to parents who survived the Shoah (Hebrew שואה, meaning “catastrophe”), the mass murder of over 6 million Jews by Nazis and Fascists during World War Two (1939-45), Hirsch is a leading ...
Established by Decree 68,577/24, Finaclima-SP allows for the combination of public and private funds. This strategy, known as blended finance, is recognized as the most efficient way to attract ...
Trabalho conduzido na Unifesp envolveu 731 idosos e foi o primeiro a demonstrar os efeitos da hipertensão na mecânica ...
Oportunidade visa ampliar banco de pareceristas com qualificação técnica para avaliar projetos no âmbito do edital Programa ...
Candidatos devem apresentar excelente histórico escolar da graduação em química, engenharia química ou ciências ...
A oportunidade de pós-doutorado está aberta a brasileiros e estrangeiros. O selecionado receberá Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado da ...
Candidatos para as duas vagas disponíveis devem apresentar experiência na área de empreendedorismo científico e tecnológico ...