U.S. oil production will peak between 2027 and 2030, Occidental Petroleum Corp chief executive officer Vicki Hollub said on ...
A school choice revolution is rapidly reshaping how public education is organized, funded, and delivered in America.
Members of OPEC+ are planning to gradually unwind production curbs in April, which would add supply and could lead to lower ...
U.S. December oil production increased by 95 kb/d to 13,491 kb/d, a new all-time high. According to the EIA, New Mexico’s ...
U.S. oil production will likely peak within the next five years or so, Oxy’s CEO Vicki Hollub said. But secondary and tertiary recovery methods, such as CO2 floods, could sustain U.S. output.
Shell's global energy forecast for 2025 shows robust global demand for oil, natural gas, and LNG for decades to come.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has shifted its stance, with Executive Director Fatih Birol stating that upstream investments in existing oil and gas fields are necessary to support global ...
The consortium expects phase 4 to average 21,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day. The development consists of three oil ...
will reach a peak production of 110,000 bpd, with first oil anticipated by the end of the decade, the supermajor said.
Occidental on Tuesday said it is aiming to grow output from conventional wells, which make up about a third of its total ...