Calabria was not selected for the Milan derby which ended in a 1-1 draw on Sunday, having left the team's training centre in tears last week. "The last few hours were difficult, it's like when you ...
AC Milan's dramatic victory over Parma on Sunday was overshadowed by a heated row between Davide Calabria and Sergio Conceicao. Sergio Conceicao blamed his heated clash with AC Milan captain ...
Davide Calabria has shed a bit more light on how his AC Milan exit came about and also why he chose Bologna for his next adventure. It first came to light the weekend before the winter mercato ...
Davide Calabria apologised for being involved in a tense scene after the final whistle of his side’s 3-2 win over Parma that saw him and coach Sergio Conceição rage against each other with ...
Martedì pomeriggio Davide Calabria si è presentato al Bologna: "Questo trasferimento è stata una scelta maturata con il passare dei giorni, è stata la cosa più giusta per tutti". "C'è stata ...
La Gazzetta dello Sport reports Davide Calabria won’t be fined after a confrontation with coach Sergio Conceiçao on Sunday, but the club’s stance on the defender’s future won’t change as ...
Davide Calabria lashed out at the criticism he has faced online after some Milan fans accused him of lacking commitment. Milan captain Davide Calabria has hit out at the criticism he has faced ...
13.45 - Tra pochi minuti al centro tecnico Niccolò Galli di Casteldebole Davide Calabria verrà presentato alla stampa. Il terzino destro ex Milan è approdato al Bologna negli ultimi giorni di ...
Giorno di presentazione, a Casteldebole, per Davide Calabria. L'ex capitano del Milan è il nuovo terzino destro del Bologna. Arrivato in prestito, con contratto in scadenza al 30 giugno ...